It looks like I'm going to make the dead line for NeonProject's Represent a Country contest! This is good news for me as the deadline got me to complete my first large project. The song will be posted on The Audio Portal by this evening. As of right now, the song is completely recorded; it just needs to be reworked and mastered until it is decent enough.
So far, my favorite for this contest is
Popa Razvan's Dark World Adagio. It's going to be incredibly tough to compete with this group, so I am just hoping to use this as a start to my music work on newgrounds.
Some insight about my entry prior to it's release:
The instrumentation is acoustic* or modeled samples to represent acoustic instruments including: Violin sects. 1 and 2, Viola sect., Cello sect., Contrabass sect., Himalayan Flute (to mimic Turkish Ney), Accordion*, Tenor Trombone*, Wa-Daiko, Cajón, Pandiero (to mimic Turkish/Arabic rik), and a modified Harp (to mimic Kanoon).
The scale I used was a Turkish mode of the Arabic Maqam: Rast. Due to a transposition error in recording, I performed the song in an A Rast, instead of the C Rast I wrote the piece in.
I didn't find a way to utilize the only Turkish instrument I own: Turkish Oud.
I put about 7 hours of work into the recording, 2 of these hours was spent on Accordion because I kept missing half step fingerings.
That's about it; Have fun and keep on playing.